Hi Meryl. I've been following your writing for a few months now and just want to say that it's great to see the enthusiasm and energy you've put into your work and your personal transformation. Congratulations on sticking with it and thank you for writing to tell the world about it.

I do have a question for you. It seems that at the time you left your law firm you had already made up your mind to pursue writing and somatic coaching, as well as relocating back to Europe. I'm curious about what process you followed (and when you began the process) that led you to these decisions. Have you written about that and did I just not see your essays describing this? I understand if that's not something you would necessarily want to publish, but curious in any event.

Thank you again for all the great stuff you have written. And wishing you great success in your coaching work.

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Hi Adam, thank you for your message! So lovely to hear that you've been enjoying my writing. I have been enjoying doing it! What a cathartic process it is to put myself out there in this way.

I wrote about leaving my job here: https://merylrowlands.substack.com/p/its-time - but I didn't touch on the choice to go into Somatic Coaching. That would be a good focus for an essay. I had started using coaching skills at my law firm and was enjoying that avenue of the role I was in but it wasn't enough for me. I could have trained as a corporate in house coach for my firm but it wouldn't be my whole role. I was also yearning for some change so made the decision to walk away from the world of law for now. But who knows, I may go back and work with lawyers again in the future. I really wanted to get back into my body and so was fascinated by the somatic world, hence why I chose Somatic Coaching in particular.

I write about getting back into my body here: https://merylrowlands.substack.com/p/leaning-into-my-bodymind

I reference my move from Singapore back to Europe in a few essays but haven't written specifically about that. Also a good idea, as this was part of a bigger 'where feels like home' question I have been grappling with for a few years. I spent 9 years on and off in Singapore and then returned to London in 2021 but it didn't feel like the right fit. This essay talks about my need for movement - https://merylrowlands.substack.com/p/will-i-ever-tire-of-movement

The article I have just posted - https://merylrowlands.substack.com/p/monthly-relationship-check-in - speaks to my choice of Lisbon as a new place to call home with my partner. Off the back of a year of nomadic living and figuring lots out!

So I guess I have touched on these decisions throughout my writing but not about the specific process. It's one of these evolutionary, emergent, subtle shifts in life I think. Many aspects contribute to a final decision and hard to put your finger on a process behind why certain things come to be. I've been more intentional about decision making in the past year for sure, not wanting to let my life 'roll' as it had been, following a path laid for me.

Not sure that gets to what you wanted! But it's given me some nice ideas for essays, so thank you again. And thank you for reaching out. I love connecting to people online!

Stay in touch and keep the questions coming!

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Thank you for taking time to go into more detail. I relate to your comment about "subtle shifts." We hear a lot about pivots and such. I don't think there are markers that offer such distinct clarity as we approach something new. More like "sliding into" the next thing, perhaps. And then, bang, it transforms. Maybe? I'm pleased you've found my questions sparking essay ideas. I shall continue to comment and then one day, again perhaps, I can find an essay of my own to contribute. Cheers and, Happy Christmas!

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Subtle shifts is a lot like somatic coaching actually! Noting small changes internally which give you clues and continue to integrate and resonate beyond the session. It’s not always a big LIGHTBULB smack in the face! It’s layers and those little nudges moving you towards something.

Would love to read an essay of yours whenever you’re ready to get your words published.

Merry Christmas to you too!

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Great introduction. The practical tips are very helpful.

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